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Guest lecture: Sarah Beck hosted by Alice Auersperg

Name: Seminarraum Messerli Forschungsinstitut, Vetmeduni
Beschreibung: Gebäude AZ, Raumnummer AZ04St23

Veranstaltungsbeginn: 16.08.2022 - 09:15 Uhr

Veranstaltungsende: 16.08.2022

Veranstaltungskategorie: Alumni, Gastvortrag

Guest lecture – Seminar Comparative Cognition, Messerli Research Institute:
"Child Innovators in Context"

Prof. Sarah Beck, PhD
Professor of Cognitive Development, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK
Hosted by Ass.-Prof. Alice Auersperg

Sarah's research examines how we think imaginatively about the real world. She is especially interested in how children become able to speculate about what might have been (counterfactual thinking) and how they think creatively to solve novel problems, particularly those involving tools. She takes a developmental approach, focusing on how children’s imaginative thinking changes and what cognitive factors influence this change. She collaborates to take a broad approach to cognition in clinical groups and recently, in nonhuman animals. More information about her research and her lab can be found at www.sarahruthbeck.net.

Further information and link to Blackboard Collaborate