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Precautionary measures for foot and mouth disease

Vetmeduni is taking numerous precautionary measures due to the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Slovakia and Hungary. These include the installation of an epidemic carpet at the entrance to the campus. There are also restrictions on the acceptance of cloven-hoofed animals, camels and horses. All staff, students and patient owners are requested to comply with the following safety precautions in order to protect the Vetmeduni campus and all patient animals in the best possible way.

Foto: Thomas Suchanek
Foto: Thomas Suchanek

Patients in the animal hospital of the Vetmeduni in Vienna

  • There are no animal transports with the animal rescue service of the Vetmeduni.
  • No cloven-hoofed animals and camels from the surveillance and restricted zone designated by the Federal Ministry (RIS - AVN_20250326_AVN_2025_12_5 - Amtliche Verbraucher- und Veterinärnachrichten (AVN)) will be accepted at the Vetmeduni.
  • No cloven-hoofed animals, camels or horses from the neighbouring countries affected by FMD, Hungary and Slovakia, will be accepted at the Vetmeduni.
  • When referring susceptible patients from outside the protection and surveillance zone, the referring veterinarian must confirm that there is no suspicion of FMD and that there has been no contact between humans and animals in the surveillance and restricted zone.
  • All small ruminant patients as well as cattle and camels not referred by a veterinarian must be clinically checked for FMD symptoms by a member of staff before entering the campus. The WC room by the porter in front of the barrier is to be used for this purpose. If FMD cannot be ruled out with certainty, the animals may not be brought onto the campus.
  • If there is any doubt about the presence of suspected FMD, this must be clarified by means of an exclusion test in accordance with the applicable infection and disease control plan.
  • The tyres of transport vehicles and trailers used to transport cloven-hoofed animals, camels and horses, as well as the University's own vehicles used to transport animals susceptible to FMD, must be disinfected with disinfectants effective against FMD.
  • External persons are not permitted to enter the stables or the examination and treatment rooms of the animal hospital.