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Here you will find the steps to admission.

The way to admission

Applicants must pre-register at VetmedOnline in the period from 3 March to 19 May 2025

Once you have registered, you may apply for the programme of your choice.

Register here   

Instructions for Online Applications to the Selection Procedure for the 2025/26 Academic Year

Please note that you must re-register every year that you apply for the selection procedure.

Applicants who already have an account (e.g. active students and staff of Vetmeduni) should use their existing login information. 


Applicants who have completed an equivalent degree programme in veterinary medicine at a recognised post-secondary educational institution in Austria or abroad and who wish to continue their studies in veterinary medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna may upon application be admitted to a higher semester in the Diploma Programme in Veterinary Medicine in the 2025/2026 academic year, subject to the number of places available, for a maximum of 15 places, provided that the following requirements are met:

  1. At the time of admission to the lateral entry qualification test, submission of proof of the 90 ECTS credits required for lateral entry from an equivalent veterinary medicine degree programme at a recognised post-secondary educational institution in Austria or abroad.
  2. Fulfilment of the admission requirements for the 5th or higher semester as well as the other admission requirements as set out in §§ 63 ff and § 91 of the Universities Act (UG).
  3. Admission to the programme in accordance with an applicant ranking as part of the lateral entry qualification test defined for lateral entrants.
  4. Proof of German language skills at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Attention: In case of allocation of a study place, 120 ECTS credits have to be proven at the time of admission!

The contents of the lateral entry qualification test are based on EAEVE’s (European Association of Establishments of Veterinary Education) List of Subjects and Day One Competences as approved by the European Coordinating Committee on Veterinary Training (ECCVT) () ( covering medical physics, chemistry, anatomy, histology, embryology, physiology, biochemistry, zoology and cell biology.

Detailed information on lateral entry can be found in the university directives on the selection procedure for the Diploma Programme in Veterinary Medicine.

  • Online pre-registration to the lateral entry qualification test and upload of the necessary transcripts/certificates/supporting documents
    03 March 2025 to 19 May 2025 at Vetmedonline.
    For information on registration and application, please refer to the online pre-registration section under “selection procedure”.
  • Payment of registration fee of €60
    03 March 2025 to 26 May 2025
    Please note that in accordance with university directives the registration fee must be received no later than 26 May 2025.

Lateral entry qualification test
21 July to 25 July 2025

Examination material for the lateral entry qualification test
Examination material for the lateral entry qualification academic year 2025/2026

The path to admission - Lateral entry into a higher semester

Questions and enquiries regarding the lateral entry procedure will be accepted exclusively by e-mail.

Here you will find information on the dedicated study places for the academic year 2025/2026 and contact details:

Infomation dedicated study places 2025/2026 (German only)

Contact details:


Land Salzburg
Landesveterinärdirektion – Referat 20403
Bundesstraße 6, 5071 Wals-Siezenheim
Tel.: +43 662 8042-3638

Zur Ausschreibung: Gewidmeter Studienplatz der Vererinärmedizin


Für Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte per Mail an:


  • bei organisatorischen Fragen bzw. Informationen zu den Vertragsbedingungen:
    Abteilung Organisation und Personal, Tel.: +43 512 508 2222
  • bei Fragen zur amtstierärztlichen Tätigkeit:
    Abteilung Landesveterinärdirektion, Tel.: +43 512 508 3242


Abteilung 10 - Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Ländlicher Raum
Unterabteilung Veterinärwesen

A-9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Kirchengasse 43
Tel.: +43 (0) 50536 - 11601

Fax: +43 (0) 50536 - 11600


Gemäß Mitteilung des Landes Steiermark werden für das Studienjahr 2025/2026 keine gewidmeten Studienplätze in Anspruch genommen.

Für Rückfragen dazu wenden Sie sich bitte an das Postfach


Gemäß Mitteilung des Landes Niederösterreich werden für das Studienjahr 2025/2026 keine gewidmeten Studienplätze in Anspruch genommen.

Für Rückfragen dazu wenden Sie sich bitte an das Postfach
