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For emergencies outside the regular ambulance hours, please dial the emergency numbers. Please note that the range of services is only available to a limited extent during emergency service times.

Emergency numbers

Small Animals  +43 1 25077-5555

Horses  +43 1 25077-5520

Farm Animals  +43 1 25077-5232

University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
Veterinärplatz 1
1210 Vienna

from Westbahnhof train station:

  • U6 heading to Floridsdorf, get off at Floridsdorf,
  • change to tram 26 heading to Kagran and get off at Josef-Baumann-Gasse/Veterinärmedizinische Universität
    change to tram 25 heading to Aspern, Oberdorfstraße and get off at Josef-Baumann-Gasse.

from Wien Hauptbahnhof (Main train station):

  • U1 heading to Leopoldau, get off at Kagraner Platz,
  • change to tram 26 heading to Strebersdorf and get off at Josef-Baumann-Gasse/Veterinärmedizinische Universität.

Another alternative:

  • U1 heading to Leopoldau, get off at Kagran,
  • change to bus 27A heading to Hermann-Gebauer-Straße and get off at Veterinärmedizinische Universität
    change to tram 25 heading to Floridsdorf and get off at Josef-Baumann-Gasse.

by rapid transit system:

  • S1 (heading to Gänserndorf), S2 (heading to Mistelbach), S3 (heading to Hollabrunn), S15 (heading to Floridsdorf) get off at Floridsdorf,
  • change to tram 26 heading to Kagran and get off at Josef-Baumann-Gasse/Veterinärmedizinische Universität
    change to tram 25 heading to Aspern, Oberdorfstraße and get off at Josef-Baumann-Gasse.

from Vienna International Airport (Schwechat)

  • A bus (Vienna Airport Lines, Postbus) goes from Vienna International Airport straight to Wien Donauzentrum (via Vienna International Center VIC)/U1 station Kagran (duration of the journey approximately 40 minutes). Change to bus 27A heading to Hermann-Gebauer-Straße and get off at Veterinärmedizinische Universität.

Coming from the west – Salzburg, Linz, St. Pölten:

  • Take the A1 exit at Knoten Steinhäusl; take the A21 in the direction of Wien Süd/Graz, exit at Knoten Vösendorf; take the A2 and A23 in the direction of Gänserndorf, exit at Hirschstetten; drive in the direction of Kagran, turn left onto Hirschstettener Straße and drive to Kagraner Platz (Zillgasse); turn left and drive along Kagraner Platz, keep straight ahead and cross Wagramer Straße; take Donaufelder Straße to Josef-Baumann-Gasse. The entrance to the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna is on your left after 300m (Veterinärplatz 1).
  • no gradient (horse trailer), but bridge (not suitable for cars/trucks higher than 3.7 m)
    A22/E49/E59, exit at Floridsdorfer Brücke. An der Oberen Alten Donau, Fultonstraße and Donaufelder Straße.

A1, S33, S5 and A22/E49/E59, exit at Floridsdorfer Hauptstraße/B226.

From the south – Villach, Klagenfurt, Graz:

  • Take the A2 and A23 in the direction of Gänserndorf, exit at Hirschstetten; drive in the direction of Kagran, turn left onto Hirschstettener Straße and drive to Kagraner Platz (Zillgasse); turn left and drive along Kagraner Platz, stay straight and cross Wagramer Straße; take Donaufelder Straße to Josef-Baumann-Gasse. The entrance to the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna is on your left after 300m (Veterinärplatz 1).

From the north/northwest – Tulln, Stockerau:

  • Take the A22 (Donauuferautobahn), exit at Floridsdorfer Brücke, choose the left lane and take the A22 in the opposite direction (away from the city), take the next exit and drive in the direction of Brünner Straße, cross over Brünner Straße and keep straight ahead to B3 – Angyaföldstraße, turn left onto Donaufelder Straße, after 100m turn left again onto Josef-Baumann-Gasse. The entrance to the  University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna is on your left after 300m (Veterinärplatz 1).
  • Or take Brünner Straße, turn left on B3 – Angyaföldstraße, turn left onto Donaufelder Straße, after 100m turn left again onto Josef-Baumann-Gasse.The entrance to the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna is on your left after 300m (Veterinärplatz 1).

From the east – Schwechat, Hainburg:

  • Take the A4 Ostautobahn, then take the A23 in the direction of Gänserndorf, exit at Hirschstetten; drive in the direction of Kagran, turn left onto Hirschstettener Straße and drive to Kagraner Platz (Zillgasse); turn left and drive along Kagraner Platz keep straight ahead and cross Wagramer Straße, take Donaufelder Straße to Josef-Baumann-Gasse. The entrance to the  University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna is on your left after 300m (Veterinärplatz 1).


Parking fees

With the introduction of short-stay parking zones throughout Vienna on 1 March 2022, the parking regulations at the Vetmeduni campus have also changed. The following fees apply for patient owners and visitors at the correspondingly marked parking spaces, which must be paid at the parking machine:

  • The first hour is free of charge.
  • 30 minutes cost 1.30 euros
  • 60 minutes cost 2.60 euros
  • Full Day Ticket cost 6.00 euros

Parking is still free of charge at the following times:

  • public holidays
  • Monday to Thursday from 22:00 until 6:00
  • Friday from 22:00 until 6:00 on Monday

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