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Audit "University and Family" (hochschuleundfamilie)

This certificate was first awarded in 2011 to the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna. As one of the first universities in Austria, it was awarded for successful reconciliation of family, study and work.

The criteria for which are needs-based child care and the sustainability of applied family-friendly measures.

The "Career and Family" Certificate (berufundfamilie) of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna was first awarded to the University in 2010, and has now been integrated into the "University and Family" Certificate. The “Career and Family" Certificate was awarded for improved career opportunities for mothers and for financial and organisational support given to bodies representing parental interests in the departments involved.

Child care during the holidays

During the nine-week period of the summer vacation, employees’ 3 to12 year old children will be professionally supervised.

Additionally, during Whit Tuesday and Leopolditag school holidays the 6 to 12 year old children of employees have the opportunity of staying on campus under supervision.

In both cases, the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna will have the support of students from the University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches Vienna.

Network for recently appointed professors: Dual Career Service Vienna – Lower Austria – Upper Austria

The universities and institutions of tertiary education in Vienna, Lower Austria and Upper Austria have formed a network, the Dual Career Service Vienna – Lower Austria – Upper Austria, which offers support to recently appointed professors and their partners in their new professional and personal situation and provides them with extensive support:

  • Network of universities that offers contact to the universities in the network and enables a fast information flow regarding jobs, kindergarten spots, staff development seminars, family service offices, and much more among the members of the Dual Career Service
  • Individual and personal consulting for professors and/or their partners
  • Extensive web platform featuring information on living, working, housing and social life in Vienna, Lower Austria and Upper Austria
  • Contact to the Dual Career Service Support of the WWTF as well as other cooperation partners

Goals of the Dual Career Service Vienna – Lower Austria – Upper Austria:

  • Supporting spouses and partners in dual career couples in the job search and the various challenges that come with a new living situation
  • Support career development with the aim of reconciling work and family life
  • Recruiting excellent researchers
  • Enhancing family-friendliness of universities and employer attractiveness
  • Internationalising and improving the image of the university locations Vienna, Lower Austria and Upper Austria

Most women and family-friendly company in Vienna

The state competitions "Most women and family-friendly company" are held every two years. Since September 26, 2017, Vetmeduni has officially been the “most women and family-friendly public company” of the state capital in 2017. The Vetmeduni Vienna impressed the expert jury of the Vienna state competition entitled “Action instead of words” with its concept. The expert jury was won over by the information on the basic criteria of the competition as well as the visit to the campus and the discussions with employees.

Certificate "University and Family" since 2011

Certificate for in-house advancement of women and gender equality since 2021