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Small Animals: +43 1 25077-5555
Horses: +43 1 25077-5520
Farm Animals: +43 1 25077-5232

For all veterinary emergencies, please contact only:

Small Animals: +43 1 25077-5555
Horses: +43 1 25077-5520
Farm Animals: +43 1 25077-5232

Further information can be found on the website of our animal hospital: To the website of the animal hospital.

Questions about wild animals are answered here.

If you have any questions about studying and admission as a student, please contact our Admissions Office or get in touch with the contact persons at the Vice-Rectorate Teaching directly:

To contact us PLEASE CLICK HERE!

Send an e-mail or call T +43 1 25077-7777.

Further information: Fundraising

Questions about Work Experience Days or Compulsory Internships:

Questions about other Internships (paid):

For Students from Third Countries:

Do you have any further questions or suggestions?

Then we look forward to your message! Please use the form below for your wishes, suggestions for improvement and questions to the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna. Your feedback is an important contribution so that we can identify weak points and continuously improve. If you have given us an email address, we will endeavor to answer your request within a few working days.

The Vetmeduni is very grateful and open for constructive criticism. We therefore ask you to remain objective and solution-oriented. Please understand if we do not continue to process insulting, obscene or discriminatory reports in any form or reports with illegal content.

Please do not use the contact form for urgent concerns or emergencies, but one of the telephone numbers listed above!

Your message

Please describe your request. Please describe the specific situation that your message concerns (possibly with date, time, place and parties involved). What did you like or dislike? What would you have expected in the situation described?

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