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- Rademann Anna Solveig

Working group ruminants and human-animal relationship
Tzt. Anna Solveig Rademann
+43 1 25077-4911
I (Anna S. Rademann, née Friedrich) studied veterinary medicine in Hanover, Germany, and have been a PhD student in the transdisciplinary project "COwLEARNING for sustainable beef and dairy supply" under the supervision of Prof. Susanne Waiblinger at the Vetmeduni since 2023.
As part of the project, we evaluate the welfare of cattle (cows, calves, heifers and bulls) and humans in innovative dairy and fattening systems and slaughterhouses throughout Austria and compare it with that of animals and humans from established management and husbandry systems and slaughterhouses. We also look at how animal welfare (in addition to the social, economic and environmental dimensions) can be integrated as an additional dimension of sustainability. We are also researching the attitudes of consumers and, in the additional citizen science project "COwWEL", are focusing specifically on consumers from vulnerable groups. In addition, part of my work is in the EU project "TransformDairyNet", which aims to spread cow-based calf rearing at European level.
In the field of animal welfare, my main research interests lie in the context of the human-animal relationship and One Welfare. In addition to my veterinary studies, I have completed several coaching trainings and since 2021 I have also been working as a coach for veterinarians and give workshops and lectures in the field of (veterinary) mental health. I am also completing a residency at the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine (ECAWBM) with a specialization in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law (AWSEL). The knowledge and experience gained from these activities perfectly complement my research activities and I look forward to discussions and collaboration!