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  • ÖTT
Johannes Baumgartner

Ass.-Prof. Dipl.ECAWBM (AWSEL) Johannes Baumgartner
T +43 1 25077-4904  


Katharina Kreml

The platform "Austrian Veterinarians for Animal Welfare" ÖTT is a cooperation of 11 veterinary organizations that has been in existence since 2009 for the purpose of promoting knowledge-based animal welfare.

ÖTT partner organizations

  • Austrian Society of Veterinarians - Section Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare (ÖGT_TuT)
  • Association of Austrian Small Animal Veterinarians (VÖK)
  • Association of Austrian Equine Veterinarians (VÖP)
  • Veterinarians without borders (vsf)
  • Austrian Association of Official Veterinarians (ÖVA)
  • Animal welfare ombudspersons
  • Association of Friends and Supporters of Swine Medicine (VFS)
  • Austrian Chamber of Veterinarians (ÖTK)
  • Association of Practicing Veterinarians in Austria (IVPTÖ)
  • Austrian Veterinary Society (ÖBG)
  • Institute for Animal Welfare Sciences and Animal Husbandry - Vetmeduni Vienna

The ÖTT sees itself as a hub for the exchange of experience and knowledge, in which veterinary animal welfare activities are bundled and coordinated. The cooperation of these organizations is regulated by a cooperation agreement. The current elected spokesperson of ÖTT is Dr. Cornelia Rouha-Mülleder.

ÖTT mission statement

The ÖTT sees it as its primary task to strengthen the idea of animal welfare within the veterinary profession and to promote the resulting activities. The mission statement published in 2011 forms the basic ethical concept of the ÖTT, which is supported by all partner organizations. The aim is to enable veterinarians to make decisions in the veterinary working environment in the interests of animal welfare, to justify them professionally, ethically and legally and, if necessary, to defend and enforce them in the face of opposition.

ÖTT conferences

The annual ÖTT conference "Animal Welfare: Animal Welfare: Aspiration - Responsibility - Reality" held at the Vetmeduni in May provides an ideal framework for the exchange of veterinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and experience in connection with current animal welfare issues.