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Susanne Waiblinger

Head of a specialist field ruminants and human-animal relationship

Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.ECAWBM (AWSEL) Susanne Waiblinger
T +43 1 25077-4905  

Veterinarian specializing in animal husbandry and animal welfare

Veterinarian specializing in behavioral science

Areas of work and research

Human-animal relationship, with a focus on farm animals

Behavior and husbandry of ruminants

Assessment of animal welfare at system and practice level

Ontogenesis, social behavior, individuality and stress

non-invasive methods of assessing well-being

sustainable animal husbandry systems for cattle and goats

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

  • Effect of the early social environment on welfare and later challenge responses in dairy cattle PhD project as part of the BIOREC doctoral college
  • Structuring of the free lying areas in loose stalls with dairy cows (BMG, Dreiklang Foundation, Mahle Foundation, VierPfoten, Stihl Foundation, Graf Fabrice von Gundlach and Payne Smith Foundation)
  • Effect of the early social environment on welfare and later challenge responses in dairy cattle PhD project as part of the BIOREC doctoral college
  • Structuring of the free lying areas in loose stalls with dairy cows (BMG, Dreiklang Foundation, Mahle Foundation, VierPfoten, Stihl Foundation, Graf Fabrice von Gundlach and Payne Smith Foundation)
  • Completed research projects
  • Keeping horned and hornless dairy goats in large groups BMG, BMLFUW Project 100191
  • Study on the improved methods for animal-friendly production, in particular on alternatives to the castration of pigs and on alternatives to the dehorning of cattle as a partner in subproject 2 Dehorning of cattle, SANCO / D5 / 2008 / SI2.517191
  • Integration of animal welfare in the food quality chain: from public concern to improved welfare and transparent quality, IP-Project WelfareQuality, in the sub-projects: (1) Minimizing handling Stress - Dairy cattle / Poultry (2) Development of an on farm welfare assessment tool (dairy cows / poultry), EU
  • Analysis of the influencing factors on animal welfare, animal health and performance of dairy cows in loose stalls in conventional and organic farms with special consideration of the human-animal relationship BMLFUW Project 1267
  • Influence of an automatic milking system (AMS) on behavior, physiology and health of dairy cows BMLFUW Project 1206 sub
  • Ethological studies to review a questionnaire on farmers' attitudes towards cows and to analyze human-animal interactions (Fund 200 Years of Veterinary Medicine)
  • The importance of human-animal interactions for physiological and ethological stress reactions of dairy cows during veterinary measures
  • Coping strategies of cows taking into account social ties FWF P13585-Bio
  • Assessment of a feed fence for animal welfare

Management and supervision of scientific work, dissertations, diploma theses, master theses

Degrees and specialization

  • 1988 Veterinary license (LMU-Munich)
  • 1990 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (University of Zurich): Dissertation "Purification and partial characterization of lysozyme and antibacterial proteins from neutrophilic granulocytes from horses"
  • 1996 State examination for the official veterinary service, Bavaria, Germany
  • 1997 veterinarian for animal husbandry and animal welfare
  • 2004 habilitation in applied ethology, animal husbandry and animal welfare; Title: "Human-animal relationship and stockmanship: the significance for dairy cow welfare and aspects of on farm assessment"

Curr. Vitae

2016 Veterinary Specialist in Ethology, Bavarian Chamber of Veterinarians
2015 Diplomate of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine, subspeciality Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law
2010 Invited three-month research for the study „Short term effects of a single adverse event on practical animal welfare indicators“ at Dairy NZ, Hamilton, New Zealand
2004 Habilitation in Applied Ethology, Animal Husbandry and Welfare; Associate professor at the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, Vetmeduni Vienna
1998 Specialisation in Animal Husbandry and Welfare, Austrian Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons
1997 Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare of Vetmeduni Vienna, Assistant professor or, from 2004, associate professor
1996 -1997 Central Office of Agricultural Advice in Lindau, Switzerland and VEAT, Germany - Commissioned researcher
1995 -1996 Qualification as Veterinary Officer, Germany
1992 -1995 Work as veterinary practitioner in small and large animal practices
1991 -1992 Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the Institute of Animal Science, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland
1990 Doctor of veterinary medicine
1989 -1990 Research Associate at the Institute of Veterinary Physiology, University of Zürich, Switzerland
1983 -1988 Study of veterinary medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
1981 -1983 Study of horticulture, TU Munich / Weihenstephan

Awards / research stays

1996 Awarded the Schweisfurth Research Prize for Appropriate Animal Husbandry for the work: "The human-animal relationship in the loose housing of horned milk cows"
1999 Department of Animal Health and Welfare, Research Center Foulum, Denmark two-week research stay at the invitation of J.T. Sørenson for the pilot study: "Reliability of fear reactions of dairy cows towards man".
2010 Dairy NZ, Hamilton, New Zealand, 3 month research stay at the invitation of Gwyneth Verkerk financed by ISAT grant and research funds for a project on “On farm welfare assessment of dairy cow welfare in New Zealand”, participation in particular in the study “Short term effects of a single adverse event on practical animal welfare indicators "

other activities

  • 2000/2001 NAHWOA - Network of Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture
  • COST 846 Measuring and Monitoring Animal Welfare
  • Representative for Austria in the Management Committee and the two working groups 1 (Measuring) and 2 (On farm monitoring);
  • 2001 Head of the subgroup "Selection and standardization of parameters"
  • 2002 member of the subgroup "Parameters for welfare assessment in cattle"
  • Head of the task force "Measuring human-animal interaction"
  • Veterinary Examination Commission "Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare" of the Austrian Federal Veterinary Association; Deputy Chair
  • International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), Regional Secretary West-Central Europe 2001 - 2004
  • Society for ecological animal husbandry (GÖT), member of the working group "Further development of the TGI 200" 1997-2003
  • Austrian Society of Veterinarians (ÖGT) Deputy Chairwoman of the Animal Husbandry and Welfare Section, 1999 - 2009
  • Veterinary Association for Animal Welfare (TVT), Working Group 1 “Farm Animals” Member since 1997
  • Association for Research into Animal Welfare (VEAT), chairman since 1996
  • Various expert activities, including in the working group "Dairy Cow Health and Welfare" of the European Food Safety Authority 2007 to 2009
  • Review activities for international scientific journals (e.g. Animal, Applied Animal Behavior Science, Journal of Dairy Science) and organizations
  • Section Editor Animal Welfare and Housing for Livestock Science since 2011