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Head of a specialist field Companion animals Ines Windschnurer, EBVS
T +43 1 25077-4915  

Fields of Research

  • Human-animal relationship (cattle, new world camelids, cats, rabbits, ferrets)
  • Behavioural tests for assessing the animals’ relationship to humans and general fearfulness in cattle
  • Behaviour and husbandry of fattening and breeding rabbits
  • Behaviour, husbandry and welfare of companion animals (cats, rabbits, ferrets)
  • Husbandry related diseases and behavioural problems in companion animals (rabbits, ferrets)

Curriculum vitae

1997-2004 Study of Veterinary Medicine, Vetmeduni Vienna
2005-2007 Doctoral thesis at the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, Vetmeduni Vienna
Topic: “Reliability of tests for assessing the animals’ relationship to humans on dairy and fattening bull farms”
Research assistant at the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, Vetmeduni Vienna, working group “Ruminants and human-animal relationship”
2007-2009 Postdoctoral position at the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, Vetmeduni Vienna, working group “Ruminants and human-animal relationship”
2010-2012 Postdoctoral position at the Institute of Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, Vetmeduni Vienna, working group “Rabbits”
since 2012 Research scientist and lecturer at the Institute of Animal Welfare Science, Vetmeduni Vienna; research and teaching, especially in the fields of behaviour, husbandry and welfare of companion animals (Veterinary Medicine and Interdisciplinary Master in Human-Animal-Interactions);