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Johannes Baumgartner

Head of specialist fields Pigs and PLF

Ass.-Prof. Dipl.ECAWBM (AWSEL) Johannes Baumgartner
T +43 1 25077-4904  

Research areas

Behavior, husbandry and protection of the pig

Animal husbandry in organic farming (Head of AG OEKO-TIER)

Painful interventions in farm animals

Learning ability and cognition in pigs

curriculum vitae

1992 Graduation as a qualified veterinarian, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
1995 Doctorate in veterinary medicine, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna: Dissertation in the field of farm animal ethology on the subject: "The influence of weaning in the 12th week of life and simultaneous moving to a conventional fattening pen on the behavior of pigs reared in the Stolba family stable"
1993-1996 Veterinarian (most recently chairman) at Freiland Verband (organic producers' association), managing director of Freiland GmbH
seit 1996 Research assistant at the Institute of Animal Welfare Sciences, Deputy Head of the Institute, Head of the Pig Working Group, Head of the Organic Animal Husbandry Working Group (AGOT)

Research stays

1993 Test center for stable equipment, Federal Research Institute Tänikon (FAT), Switzerland
2003 Bristol University, Animal Behavior Research Group, United Kingdom


  • Internationale Gesellschaft für Nutztierhaltung (IGN)
  • International Society of Applied Ethology (ISAE)


Förderpreis der Tierschutzombudsstelle Wien 2005