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Jean-Loup Rault

Jean-Loup Rault
Michael Bernkopf/Vetmeduni

Stellvertretende Leitung vom Zentrum / Leiter des Fachgebietes Sozialverhalten

Univ.-Prof. Jean-Loup Rault, PhD.
T +43 1 25077-4900  

Research interest

Jean-Loup Rault's main research interest lies in the benefits of positive social behaviour (‘prosocial behaviour’) and the role of the hormone oxytocin in socio-behavioural development and socio-perception, using a multi-disciplinary approach at the intersect of animal behaviour, physiology and neuroscience. 

Research expertise

  • Social behaviour
  • Applied neuroscience
  • Oxytocin
  • Human-animal interactions
  • Euthanasia and slaughter
  • Behaviour and welfare of free-range poultry 

Research outputs


Curriculum vitae

2017-Present Full Professor and Head of the Institute of Animal Welfare Science, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria
2015-2017 Senior Research Fellow, Animal Welfare Science Centre, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia
2011-2015 Research Fellow, Animal Welfare Science Centre, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia. 
2008-2011 Ph.D. in Animal Behavior and Well-being, Purdue University / US Department of Agriculture-ARS-Livestock Behavior Research Unit, West Lafayette, IN, USA 
2006-2007 M.S. in Research in Ethology, University of Paris XIII, Paris, France.    
2004-2006 M.S. in Animal Sciences, ESA School of Agriculture, Angers, France 

Full CV
