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Wir lehren in deutscher und/oder englischer Sprache in verschiedenen Studiengängen, die an der Vetmeduni angeboten werden. Nachfolgend eine Auswahl:

Studiengänge an der Vetmeduni

801001 / 801003 – Handling and Care-taking of Animals

800901 - Behaviour of Companion Animals

803901 / 803902 / 803906 - Animal Husbandry

805201 / 805203 – Animal Welfare

808402 - Principles of Raw Material Extraction for the Production of Animal-based Foods I

809603 - Biosecurity in Primary Production

8G1004 – Farm visits (pigs and poultry)

8G1006 - farm visits problem orientated-seminar (pigs and poultry)

8W1004 / 8W2004 – Case report (ruminants)

8W1009 – POL Seminar (ruminants)

8V1005 / 8V2005 - Animal welfare during transport and slaughter

8V1004 - Food Hygiene and Technology in Practice

8G1003 – General care of Livestock

2W0903 - Animal husbandry and animal welfare in herd management

2G0604 - Digitalisation in Livestock Farming / Precision Livestock Farming

230703 - Preparation course for the exam for official veterinarians

8L1003 - Introduction Laboratory Animal Law

8L2003 - Introduction Laboratory Animal Law

2X0303 - Animal protection law - an introduction

2X0403 - Animal protection law - an introduction (for students of Laboratory Animal Medicine and Reproduction biotechnology)

106800 / 106801 - Animal welfare ethics and human-animal relationship

2W1004 - General aspects of animal husbandry in organic agriculture

500020 - Grundzüge des Tierversuchsrechts

310202 - The animal´s perspective 2: How animals feel

310401 - Human-animal relationship in practice - variations. causes and effects

310402 - Interdisciplinary course on human-animal interactions - influences, challenges and solutions

310701 / 310702 - Interdisciplinary Journal Club in HAI

310703 - Thesis Seminar

ULGPHYM203 - Tierschutz bei landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren

ULGPHYM204 - Ethische Herausforderungen „Tierschutz bei der Schlachtung“