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Martin Quijada, Narciso

Dr. Narciso Martin Quijada, MSc.

Narciso Martin Quijada gained his Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from the University of Salamanca (USAL, Spain) and his Master’s degree in Microbiology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM, Spain). After that, he did his PhD in Food Science and Biotechnology in the “Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León” (ITACyL, Valladolid, Spain) and the University of Burgos (UBU, Spain). His work focused on the bioinformatic analysis of microbial genomic data obtained by high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies, in particular on antimicrobial resistance genes and the development of bioinformatic tools for automating these analyses. Narciso is employed in the EU project ‘Microbiome Applications for Sustainable Food Systems through Technologies and Enterprise’ (MASTER), which is led by Paul Cotter (Teagasc, Ireland).

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Benjamin Zwirzitz

After his Bachelor studies in Microbiology and Immunology, Benjamin Zwirzitz continued his education with a Master´s degree in Microbial Ecology at the University of Vienna. He started his PhD studies in the Selberherr lab in collaboration with the Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality, Safety and Innovation (FFoQSI) in 2017 and graduated with honors in early 2021. His work is focused on the meat production chain, including the application of high-throughput sequencing data to trace contamination levels during slaughtering and raw meat dissection, as well as monitoring shifts in the microbiota of fermented sausages during ripening.

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Viktoria Neubauer

Viktoria Neubauer Viktoria Neubauer, PhD.
T +43 1 25077-3504  

Viktoria Neubauer studied veterinary medicine at the Vetmeduni Vienna with externships in Canada and the United States. From 2015–2017 she did her PhD studies at the Institute for Animal Nutrition in collaboration with the Selberherr lab at the Unit for Food Microbiology (Vetmeduni Vienna), focusing on dairy cow nutrition. Then Viktoria has become a Postdoc in the Austrian Competence Center for Feed and Food Quality, Safety, and Innovation (FFoQSI). Her research interests are udder health, milk quality and milk processing, focusing on cheese, with the aim of linking cow health and production to milk quality parameters. As part of this, she is exploring the udder, milk, dairy environment, and cheese microbiome and analyzing it in a one-health context. 

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PhD students

Cameron Strachan

Cameron R. Strachan completed his Hon. B.Sc. in Microbiology and Immunology at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 2012, before working for two years in the area of functional metagenomics under Dr. Steven Hallam. In 2014 he co-founded a company (Prospect Bio) that leveraged functional metagenomic tools to develop genetic reporter assays in E. coli. In 2018, he started his PhD in the Selberherr lab with funding from the FFG-project D4Dairy. In collaboration with Biomin he is studying the effects of small-molecule contaminants in feed (mycotoxins) on the rumen microbiome. His second project is focused on the ecology and evolution of commensal Campylobacter populations inhabiting the rumen epithelial wall. 

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Sarah Thalguter

Sarah Thalguter, MSc.
T +43 1 25077-3504  

Sarah Thalguter studied Microbiology and Genetics (BSc) and Biological Chemistry with a focus on food chemistry (MSc) at the University of Vienna. She completed her Master’s thesis at the Unit of Food Microbiology at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. For her Master’s thesis she inspected microbial contamination in the food-processing environment. In 2018 after finishing her Master’s she became a technical assistant at the Unit of Food Microbiology for the Austrian Competence Center for Feed and Food Quality, Safety and Innovation (FFoQSI). She is involved in research about microbiota in the food-processing environment and is very keen on laser microdissection and nucleic acid extraction methods.

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Monika Dzieciol

Dr.rer.nat. Monika Dzieciol
T +43 1 25077-3540  


Daniela Diepold

Daniela Diepold has a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the Technical University of Munich, where she also worked as an environmental consultant. In 2017, she started her studies in veterinary medicine. Since 2019, she has been employed in the Selberherr lab and is responsible for communication in the HDHL-INTIMIC Knowledge Platform on Food, Diet, Intestinal Microbiomics and Human Health. She is also currently writing her diploma thesis, investigating microbiomes in the upper reproductive system of cows with clinical endometritis.

Luisa Sontheimer

Diploma student

Tea Movsesijan

Master’s student

Alumni and Guests - last 5 years

Stefanie Urimare Wetzels (PostDoc, 2016–2021)

Sarah Ricci (Guest researcher from the Institute of Animal Nutrition and Functional Plant Compounds, Vetmeduni Vienna, 2019)

Isabel Rabanser (Diploma student, 2018)

Kristina Gense (Diploma student, 2017)

Felipe Machado de Sant'Anna  (PhD candidate and guest researcher from the Department of Technology and Inspection of Products of Animal Origin, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2017)

Monika Handler (Diploma student, 2016)

Canan Keskinöz Linneweh (Technician, 2016)