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Kathrin Kober-Rychli

Team Leader
Priv.-Doz. Dr.rer.nat. Kathrin Kober-Rychli
+43 1 25077-3510
Kathrin has studied chemistry at the University of Vienna. After her PhD and postdoc she moved 2009 to the Vetmed and started her research in food safety with the main focus on Listeria monocytogenes. 2021 she received the habilitation in “Molecular Food Microbiology and Zoonosis”
Nadja Pracser

Nadja Pracser, PhD. MSc.
+43 1 25077-3511
PhD Student
Nadja has studied Biomedicine and Biotechnology at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (bachelor studies) and Molecular Biology at the University of Vienna. She is part of the Austrian competence centre FFoQSI - Feed and Food Quality, Safety and Innovation. The focus of her PhD thesis is the characterization of L. monocytogenes in food and the food processing environment.
Yasar Özge Delikkafa

Yasar Özge Delikkafa, MSc.
PhD Student
Özge holds a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Genetic (Istanbul University, Turkey) and a Master of Science in Biological Science (University of Konstanz, Germany). The focus of her PhD thesis is the characterization of the Rhs insertion in Listeria monocytogenes.
Damien Ernst

Mag.med.vet. Damien Ernst
PhD Student
Damien has studied Veterinary Medicine at the Vetmed and is part of the One Health PhD programme. His PhD project, which is a joined project with Lukas Schwarz from the University Clinic for Swine, aims to elucidate the role of pigs in L. monocytogenes epidemiology.