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Since 35 years, the unit runs a Listeria-Monitoring scheme that combines a highly sensitive sampling procedure with a sensitive target detection approach (see Figure). This procedure allows an early detection of the contamination event and safes time for a targeted response by the quality management. The basis of the approach is the enrichment protocol of ISO 11290:1 and 2.

In addition, we advise companies in terms of optimizing  own-check systems by combining modern and rapid detection platforms with sampling strategies that were developed, patented and published  by the unit (pooling strategies).

Finally, we apply modern molecularbiological typing methods, either based on restriction patterns or sequencing, to understand if contamination events are caused by residing microbial clones (persistent contamination) or by the raw meat/milk/produce supply chains. We assist in tracking niches from where such clones may spread into the product and help to mitigate contamination events.