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The booking calendar is designed to make it easier to organize the use of devices (especially large devices) that are used by several people, units or centers. It is based on digital management of the devices and the people who use them. Personalized, password-protected access and uniform center affiliations of persons make device usage consistent, transparent and traceable. The booking calendar can be useful as a basis for cost allocation (core facilities) or for evaluating utilization.

The usage process includes

(1) recording of devices in the software (at center level, also possible at unit level after consultation; including recording of device managers),

(2) recording of persons and

(3) a corresponding assignment of the persons to the devices released for them (flexibly possible by device managers).

Forms for new (1) devices and (2) persons can be found in the download sector and sent to (3) Only persons created in the system can be flexibly released by center-internal device managers for devices already created in the system.