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Self-regulated learning in medical education

Learning is a complex process consisting of cognitive, metacognitive, motivational and emotional aspects. In self-regulated learning, students set their own goals and actively pursue them. This process is already well studied, especially for the learning of theoretical foundations.

Our research project aims to provide the scientific basis for self-regulated learning in the clinical practical setting. We are developing both a model for self-regulated learning in the practical clinical setting and a new data collection instrument for a quantitative diary study. Longitudinal data will be analyzed to determine whether self-regulated learning in the practical clinical setting is more likely to be a (a) trait, (b) state, or (c) developmental feature.

Students face particular challenges when transitioning to learning in the clinical practical setting. The findings provide an indication of whether interventions should focus more on (a) different learning types, (b) situational factors, or on (c) training depending on the stage of transition. Through this FWF-project, we are contributing to a better understanding of student learning in the practical clinical setting.

The project is funded by the FWF - Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (P 33913) and runs from January 2021 to December 2023.

Here you can find a short scientific description of the FWF-project.

Here you can find information on the FWF-Homepage.