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Tuberculosis in Alpine Wildlife

Researchers at our institute participate in this project, which is a component of the EMIDA ERA-NET* Consortium project  „TB Alpine Wildlife“.  The project is being implemented in co-operation with 17 partners in Germany, Italy, Austria and Switzerland. 

The objective of the project “TB Alpine Wildlife” is to investigate tuberculosis among wild animals (main focus red deer) in the Alpine regions of Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. In addition to red deer, other wildlife species (badger, wild boar, chamois, roe deer, fox, and marmot) are being examined to investigate their role as carrier of TB.  To determine potential environmental contamination by TB pathogens the second focus area of the project is the examination of salt licks at Alpine mountain daires, and of soil samples at game feeding sites and in winter creels.  A two-pronged analysis is essential, because the habitats of domestic animals and wildlife in the Alpine Arc overlap. 


*EMIDA (Emerging and Major Infectious Diseases of Livestock) is a Coordination Action funded under the European Commission's ERA-Net scheme within the 7th Framework.


Duration 2011-2013

Scientific contact at FIWI Christian Walzer, Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology, Vetmeduni Vienna, Tel.:+43 (1) 4890915180, Email:

More info about the project (external website)