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We are proud to be a leading center of excellence in food science, food safety and public veterinary affairs.

Our mission is to contribute to human and animal health and safety through innovative research, excellent teaching and dedicated public outreach. Our interdisciplinary team of scientists and experts works to tackle current challenges and develop forward-looking solutions.

On our website you will find information on our research projects, study programs and training opportunities. We also offer the latest news and events relating to food science and veterinary science.

We invite you to find out more about our work and get in touch with us.

Head of centre


Univ.-Prof. Martin Wagner, Dipl.ECVPH
T +43 1 25077-3500  

Deputy head

Univ.-Prof. Karin Schwaiger
T +43 1 25077-3300  

Areas of activity of the Centre*

The Centre for Food Science and Public Veterinary Medicine is divided into the following areas of activity:

*The structure of the areas of activity corresponds to the organisational chart valid in 2023 and will be continuously adapted to the new organisational chart.

Vetmeduni reorganises itself