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Neues e-Book “Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy”


Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy, Sixth Edition continues to be the leading textbook and reference in this field for clinical practitioners. The book provides the evidence basis for the effectiveness of this treatment, as well as guidelines for how to perform it from the selection of treatment animal to application with patients. This new edition is fully updated and contains 15 new chapters on culture, research, standards, of practice, and more. Organized into four sections, the book explores the conceptualization of the animal-human bond, best practices for AAI professionals, considerations related to animal selection/ training/ welfare, and utilizing AAI in special populations.

The book may serve as a study guide for the Animal Assisted Intervention Specialist Certification Exam.

Der Volltext dieses Werkes ist im vetmed:seeker und direkt über die Verlagsplattform ScienceDirect abrufbar.