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In 2012 the Austrian Academy of Sciences published a new book on camels, edited by Pamela Burger and Eva-Maria Knoll, Camels in Asia and North AfricaThe book, which is international and interdisciplinary in scope, aims to stimulate a knowledge exchange between the natural and social sciences.  Topics include the origin, domestication, breeding, husbandry, and trade of Old World camelids (dromedary, Bactrian camel and wild camel).  Their socio-cultural and economic significance, their representation in music, traditional medicine and veterinary medicine are discussed, as is the conservation of the last population of wild camels.

ISBN 978-3-7001-7244-4 Print Edition; ISBN 978-3-7001-7350-2 Online Edition 

You can find Dr. Pamela Burger´s publications in VETDOC, Vetmeduni Vienna´s research documentation database.