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greenAlps - Valorizing connectivity and sustainable use of resources for successful ecosystem management policies in the Alps


The Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology is a partner in this project, which is led by ALPARC (Alpine Network of Protected Areas) and implemented jointly by seven partner institutions. 

Numerous investigations have shown the immense richness and benefits of biodiversity in the Alps, and the importance of safeguarding connected nature spaces for people´s quality of life.  A number of policies and recommendations have recognized this, from earlier Alpine Space projects on the one hand, and more generally at EU and national policy level.  However these recommendations are often insufficiently implemented.  This is where greenAlps aims to contribute:  The project examines and capitalises on results of running and completed European projects, preparing the materials with the goal of reaching the most important regional, national and international stakeholders.  The aim is to advance implementation of a sustainable, efficient European environment policy. 

This requires long-term spatial planning that considers the values of biodiversity and ecological connectivity (permeability of the landscape), as well as new methods of collaboration between different interest groups and decision makers at regional, national, and transnational levels. 

The project is co-financed within the framework of the Alpine Space Programme (2007 - 2013 ERDF).

Project duration: September 2013 - November 2014


All project publications can be downloaded from the project webpage.

Article "In di Berg bin i gern" (German) in the Vetmagazin 04/2014 (December)


Project partners

greenAlps Projektseite (extern)


Scientific contact at FIWI: Christian Walzer, Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology, Vetmeduni Vienna, T. +43 (1) 25077-7180, Email Chris Walzer