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Scientific publications about the project


Kaczensky, P., Burnik Šturm, M., Sablin, M.V., Voigt, C.C., Smith, S., Ganbaatar, O., Balint, B., Walzer, C., Spasskaya, N.N., 2017. Stable isotopes reveal diet shift from pre-extinction to reintroduced Przewalski’s horses. Sci Rep 7. [Download

Burnik Sturm, M., Ganbaatar, O., Voigt, C.C., Kaczensky, P., 2017. First field-based observations of delta2H and delta18O values of event-based precipitation, rivers and other water bodies in the Dzungarian Gobi, SW Mongolia. Isotopes Environ Health Stud, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/10256016.2016.1231184  [Download]

Burnik Šturm, M., Ganbaatar, O., Voigt, C.C., Kaczensky, P., 2017. Sequential stable isotope analysis reveals differences in dietary history of three sympatric equid species in the Mongolian Gobi. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12825 [Download]


Burnik Sturm, M., Pukazhenthi, B., Reed, D., Ganbaatar, O., Sušnik, S., Haymerle, A., Voigt, C. C., and Kaczensky, P. 2015. A protocol to correct for intra- and interspecific variation in tail hair growth to align isotope signatures of segmentally cut tail hair to a common time line. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 29, 1047–1054. doi: 10.1002/rcm.7196 [Download]


Horacek, M., M. Burnik Sturm & P. Kaczensky. 2012 [backdated, published 2013]. First stable isotope analysis of Asiatic wild ass tail hair from the Mongolian Gobi. Exploration into the Biological Resources of Mongolia (Halle/Saale, Germany), 12: 85-92. [Download]

Levanov, V.F., S.V. Sokolov, P. Kaczensky. 2013. Corral mass capture device for Asiatic wild asses. Wildlife Biology, 19(3): 325-334. [Download]


Kaczensky, P. and J. Ransom (Editors). 2012. International Wild Equid Conference - Book of abstracts. Conference in Vienna, Austria from 12-22 September 2012. Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria. ISBN 978-3-200-02791-6 (Druckversion). [Download]

Ransom, J., P. Kaczensky, B.L. Lubow, O. Ganbaatar, and N. Altansukh. 2012. A collaborative approach for estimating terrestrial wildlife abundance. Biological Conservation, 153:219-226. [Download]

von Wehrden, H., J. Hanspach, P. Kaczensky, J. Fischer and K. Wesche. 2012. A global assessment of the non-equilibrium concept in rangelands. Ecological Applications, 22(2):393-399. [Download] 

Walzer, C., P. Kaczensky, W. Zimmermann, C. Stauffer. 2012. Przewalski’s horse reintroduction to Mongolia: status and outlook. Waza magazine, (13) 3-6. <link fileadmin v fiwi projekte gobi_research_project _blank>[Download]


Kaczensky, P., C. Walzer, O. Ganbataar, N. Enkhsaikhan, N. Altansukh, and C. Stauffer "Re-introduction of the ‘extinct in the wild’ Przewalski’s horse to the Mongolian Gobi" in Soorae, P. S. (ed.). 2011. Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2011. More case studies from around the globe. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN/SSC
Re-introduction Specialist Group and Abu Dhabi, UAE: Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi. xiv + 250 pp. [Download]

Kaczensky, P., O. Ganbataar, N. Altansukh, N. Enkhsaikhan, C. Stauffer, and C. Walzer. 2011. The Danger of Having All your Eggs in One Basket – Winter Crash of the Re-introduced Przewalski’s Horses in the Mongolian Gobi. PloS ONE, 6(12): e28057 [Download]

Kaczensky, P., R. Kuehn, B. Lhagvasuren, S. Pietsch, W. Yang, and C. Walzer. 2011. Connectivity of the Asiatic wild ass population in the Mongolian Gobi. Biological Conservation, 144:920–929. [Download

Painer, J., P. Kaczensky, O. Ganbataar, K. Huber and C. Walzer. 2011. Comparative parasitological examination on sympatric equids in the Greater Gobi “B” Strictly Protected Area, Mongolia. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 57:225–232. [Download]


Hoesli, T., T. Nikowitz, C. Walzer and P. Kaczensky. 2010. Monitoring of agonistic behaviour and foal mortality in free-ranging Przewalski’s horse harems in the Mongolian Gobi. Equus, 113-138. [Download]

Kaczensky, P., T.Y. Ito and C. Walzer. 2010. Satellite telemetry of large mammals in Mongolia: what expectations should we have for collar function? Wildlife Biology in Practice. 6(2):108-126. [Download

Kaczensky, P. and S, Kramer-Schadt. 2010. Why we measure what we measure: Understanding Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus) population size estimates in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area, Mongolia. 11-11.-Sustainable Conservation, Bridging the gap between disciplines; MAR 15–18, 2010; Trondheim, NORWAY. [Download]

Silbermayr, K.,  P. Orozco-Terwengel, P. Charruau, D. Enkhbileg, C. Walzer, P. Kaczensky, C. Vogl, F. Schwarzenberger, and P.A. Burger. 2010. High mitochondrial differentiation levels between wild and domestic Bactrian camels: a basis for rapid detection of maternal hybridization. Animal Genetics, 41(3):315-318. [Abstract]

von Wehrden, H., J. Hanspach, K. Ronnenberg, and K. Wesche. 2010. Inter- annual precipitation variability in Central Asia - a contribution to the discussion on the importance of environmental stochasticity in drylands. Journal of Arid Environments 74:1212-1215. [Abstract]


Bryson, J. and P. Kaczensky. 2009. Exploring Knowledge Dissemination as a SelectivenForce for Aggregation: Preliminary Results from Modelling Wild Asiatic Asses. 10th European Conference on Artifical Life (ECAL), 23-26 September 2009 in Budapest, Hungary. [Download

Kaczensky, P., O. Ganbaatar, H. von Wehrden, N. Enksaikhan, D. Lkhagvasuren, and C. Walzer. 2007 (2009). Przewalski horse re-introduction in the Great Gobi B SPA - from species to ecosystem conservation. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, 5(1-2):13-18. [Download]

von Wehrden H., K. Wesche and G. Miehe. 2009. Plant communities of the southern Mongolian Gobi. Phytocoenologia, 39 (3):331-376. [Abstract]

von Wehrden, H., J.Hanspach, H. Bruelheide and K. Wesche. 2009. Pluralism and diversity - trends in the use and application of ordination methods 1990-2007. Journal of Vegetation Sciences 20(4):695-705. [Abstract]

von Wehrden, H., H. Zimmermann, J. Hanspach, K. Ronnenberg, and K. Wesche. 2009. Predictive mapping of plant species and communities by using GIS and Landsat data in a southern Mongolian mountain range. Folia Geobotanica 44: 211-225. [Abstract]


Kaczensky, P. and C. Walzer. 2008. Der Asiatischer Wildesel - bedrohter Überlebenskünstler in der Wüste Gobi. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos, 51(3): 147- 163. (in German) [Download

Kaczensky, P., O. Ganbaatar, H. von Wehrden and C. Walzer. 2008. Resource selection by sympatric wild equids in the Mongolian Gobi. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45:1662-1769. [included in the Virtual Issue: Applied Ecology in Asia] [Download]

Kaczensky, P., N. Enkhsaikhan, O. Ganbaatar and C. Walzer. 2008. The Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia – refuge or sink for wolves Canis lupus in the Gobi? Wildlife Biology, 14(4): 444-456. [Download]

Kuehn, R., P. Kaczensky, D. Lkhagvasuren, S. Pietsch and C. Walzer. 2006 (2008)[1]. Differentiation of meat samples from domestic horses (Equus caballus) and Asiatic wild asses (Equus hemionus) using a species-specific restriction site in the mitochondrial cytochrome b region. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, 4(2):57-62. [Download]

Walzer, C., P. Kaczensky, O. Ganbaatar, J. Lengger, N. Enkhsaikhan, D. Lkhagvasuren. 2006 (2008)1. Capture and anaesthesia of wild Mongolian equids – the Przewalski’s horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) and khulan (E. hemionus). Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, 4(1):19-30.  [Download]


Kaczensky, P. 2007. Wildlife value orientations of rural Mongolians. Human Dimensions in Wildlife, 12:317-329. [Download]

Kaczensky, P., N. Enkhsaihan, O. Ganbaatar, R. Samjaa, and C. Walzer. 2007. Identification of herder - wildlife conflicts in the Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in SW Mongolia. Exploration into the Biological Resources of Mongolia (Halle/Saale, Germany) 10, 99-116. [Download]

Lengger, J., F. Tataruch, and C. Walzer. 2007. Feeding ecology of Asiatic wild ass Equus hemionus. Exploration into the Biological Resources of Mongolia, 10:93-97. . [Download]

Souris, A.C., P. Kaczensky, R. Julliard, C. Walzer. 2007. Time budget-, behavioral synchrony- and body score development of a newly released Przewalski’s horse group Equus ferus przewalskii, in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in SW Mongolia. Applied Animal Behavioural Science, 107:307-321. [Download]

Stubbe, A., M. Stubbe, H. von Wehrden, N. Batsajchan, and R. Samjaa. 2007. Biodiversity in space and time - towards a grid mapping for Mongolia. Exploration into the Biological Resources of Mongolia 10:391-406. [Download]

von Wehrden H. & K. Wesche.  2007. Mapping Khulan habitats - a GIS- based  approach. Exploration into the biological resources of Mongolia 10: 31-44.

von Wehrden, H. and K. Wesche. 2007. Relationships between climate, productivity and vegetation in southern Mongolian drylands. Basic and Applied Dryland Research 2:100-120. [Download]

Walzer, C., P. Kaczensky, O. Ganbaatar, N. Enkhsaihan, and D. Lkhagvasuren. 2007. Capture and anaesthesia of the Mongolia wild ass (E. hemionus). Exploration into the Biological Resources of Mongolia (Halle/Saale, Germany) 10:69-76. . [Download]


Kaczensky, P., D.P. Sheehy, D.E. Johnson, C. Walzer, D. Lhkagvasuren, and C.M. Sheehy. 2006. Room to roam? The threat to khulan (Wild Ass) from human intrusion.  Mongolia Discussion Papers, East Asia and Pacific Environment and Social Development Departure. Washington, D.C., World Bank. [Download

von Wehrden H., R. Tungalag, and K. Wesche. 2006. Plant communities of the Great Gobi B Special Protected Area in south-western Mongolia. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences, 4(1): 3-17.  [Download]

von Wehrden H., K. Wesche, C. Reudenbach and G. Miehe. 2006. Mapping of large- scale vegetation pattern in southern Mongolian semi- deserts - an application of  LANDSAT 7 data. Erdkunde 60(3): 261-272. [Abstract]

von Wehrden H., K. Wesche and W. Hilbig. 2006. Plant communities of the Mongolian Transaltay Gobi. Feddes Repertorium 7-8: 526-570. [Abstract]

Walzer, C., P. Kaczensky, O. Ganbataar, J. Lengger, N. Enkhsaikhan, and D. Lkhagvasuren. 2006. Capture and anaesthesia of wild Mongolian equids - the Przewalski's horse (E. ferrus przewalskii) and the Khulan (E. Hemionus) Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 4 (1): 19-30. [Download]

Walzer, C. and P. Kaczensky. 2006. Wild camel training and collaring mission for the Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia. Final report for UNDP “Conservation of the Great Gobi Ecosystem and Its Umbrella Species” Project. [Download]

2005 and earlier

Kaczensky, P. 2005. First assessment of Nomrog and Dornod Mongol Strictly Protected Areas in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia for the re-introduction of Przewalski’s horses. World Conservation Society report. [Download]

Roberts, N., C. Walzer, S.R. Ruegg, P. Kaczensky, O. Ganbataar, and C. Stauffer. 2005. Pathological investigations of reintroduced Przewalski’s horse (Equus caballus przewalskii) in Mongolia. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 36(2):273-285. [Abstract]

Slotta-Bachmayr, L., R. Bögel, P. Kaczensky, C. Stauffer, and C. Walzer. 2004. Use of population viability analysis to identify management priorities in reintroducing Przewalski’s horse to Southwestern Mongolia. Journal of Wildlife Management, 68(4):790-79. [Abstract]

Wesche K., E. Jäger, H. von Wehrden, R. Undrakh.  2005. Status and distribution of four endemic vascular plants in the Gobi Altay. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 3: 3-11.



Research reports

[all available on the International Takhi Group Website]


Kaczensky, P., Ganbaatar, O., Altansukh, N., Strindberg, S., 2017. Simultaneous Point Count for Steppe Ungulates in Great Gobi B SPA in October 2015 – Preliminary Results. Progress Report Great Gobi B.

Ganbaatar, O., N. Altansukh and P. Kaczensky. 2015. Monitoring of Przewalski’s horses and other plains ungulates in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in SW Mongolia in 2014/2015 [Download]

Ganbaatar, O., N. Altansukh and P. Kaczensky. 2014. Monitoring of Przewalski’s horses and other plains ungulates in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in SW Mongolia in 2013. January 2014. [Download]

Burnik-Sturm, M., and P. Kaczensky. 2013. Field activities in the Great Gobi B SPA in 2013. October 2013. [Download]

Kaczensky, P., G. Stalder, and C. Walzer. 2013. Field activities in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in SW Mongolia in June 2013. [Download]

Burnik-Sturm, M., J. Treiber, O. Ganbaatar, N. Spasskaja, M. Horacek & P. Kaczensky. 2012. Fisrt progress report of the FWF project "The tail of the horse´s tail – stable isotope analysis of tail hair to address ecological differences in three sympatric equid species in the Mongolian Gobi". Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria, December 2012. [Download

Kaczensky, P., J.I. Ransom, O. Ganbaatar, and N. Altansukh. 2010. Simultaneous ground count of the Asiatic wild ass in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area.

Kaczensky, P., O. Ganbaatar, N. Altansukh, N. Enkhsaikhan. 2010. Winter disaster in the Dzungarian Gobi – crash of the Przewalski’s horse population in Takhin Tal 2009/2010

Kaczensky, P. 2009. Collar search in Great Gobi A SPA.

Kaczensky, P. and C. Walzer. 2009. Research activities in Great Gobi B SPA.

Kaczensky, P. and C. Walzer. 2008. Research activities in Great Gobi B SPA.

Hoesli, T. and T. Nikowitz. 2008. Monitoring of agonistic behaviours in free-ranging Przewalski’s horses.

Kaczensky, P. and C. Walzer. 2007. Research activities in Great Gobi B SPA.

Kaczensky, P., A. Yadamsuren, and C. Walzer, C. 2007. Asiatic Wild Ass and Wild Camel collaring mission in the Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia.

Kaczensky, P. 2006. Attempt of an aerial survey for Khulan in the SE Gobi.

Dresley, V., D. Vetter and H. Otgonbayar. 2006. Observation of wild asses in Toodog us.

Vetter, D. 2006. A concept for environmental education of children in the Great Gobi B SPA.

Kaczensky, P. and C. Walzer. 2006. Asiatic Wild Ass collaring mission for the Great Gobi A Strictly Protected Area in Mongolia.



[1] The journal backdated the paper published in 2008 to 2006.