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The large predators bear, wolf and lynx are increasingly returning to Austria. Living together with these protected species is associated with potential for conflict in the human-dominated cultural landscape. In Austria, the federal states have the task of keeping problems with large predators at bay while still enabling positive species population development. The „Österreichzentrum Bär, Wolf, Luchs" (ÖZ) was founded for the management of large predators. The ordinary, voting members of this association are the federal government and the federal states. Interest groups, nature conservation organizations and scientific institutes such as FIWI were accepted as extraordinary members.

We are commissioned by the ÖZ to advise it with biological expertise, to act as a central point of contact for monitoring and assessment of kills, and to genetically analyze the DNA samples collected in this context.


For download (in German only):

Wolfsmanagement in Österreich. Grundlagen und Empfehlungen (2021)

Monitoringkonzept für Braunbär, Luchs & Wolf in Österreich (2009)

Managementplan Braunbär Österreich (2005)