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28th November 2024

One Health Mini-Symposium

On 8 October 2024, students from the Vetmeduni One Health PhD programme and associated projects, the programme leaders and members of the Advisory and Steering Boards came together in the Festsaal of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna. Several poster walks and presentations were held to discuss the individual PhD projects.

Learn more (in German)

30th October 2024

One Health Symposium Tirol

Two One Health PhD Students participated in the second One Health Symposium Tirol, a symposium held by the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna and the Medical University of Innsbruck.

Various talks addressed relevant topics such as networks, zoonoses, antibiotic resistances and new challenges brought on by climate change, showcasing many important One Health challenges of Austria and especially Tirol.


13 May 2024

One Health Workshop in Salzburg

Six One Health PhD students participated in the first One Health Workshop that took place prior to the 38th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine ( on the 13th of May in Salzburg.

The workshop was led by Professor Jakob Zinsstag, PhD, DVM, Dipl. ECVPH from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel. He gave an introduction to the topic and included an overview of his work. The focus of the interactive part of the workshop was to set up a research project about a current One Health topic. These theoretical projects were worked out in groups and presented to all participants. The students from the One Health PhD program in Vienna can look back on a very interactive and networking workshop.

23-25 April 2024

Paradigm shifts for Global One Health

23-25.04.2024, two One Health PhD Students took part in the congress “Paradigm shifts for Global One Health” in Wageningen (NL). In particular, practical approaches and current projects were presented and discussed at the action orientated international symposium.

Both Students PhD projects were presented and debated with the preliminary results as a lecture “Prevalence and Characterization of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Dogs Admitted to a Veterinary Hospital in Vienna” or as a poster entitled ”Evaluating the relevance of antibiotics added to semen extenders for dogs - characterization of the native semen microbiome of breeding dogs.”

2nd February 2024

Graduate School Week

Lasting from the 29th of January to the 2nd of February 2024, a Graduate School Week was held at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, combining courses by the Vetcore Team regarding their many services available to students and courses regarding research ethics and scholarly communication.

The courses were open to all PhD students and in total about 30 people from various semesters attended, half of them from the PhD One Health Programme.

Across all five days students were given insights into topics relevant in their further studies and got to directly engage with them through group projects and open discussions. Additionally, it also served as a social gathering, allowing everyone to connect with the other PhD students from across the campus.

7th December 2023

One Health Kick-Off

This first official gathering of all the students within the PhD One Health Programme was held on the 7th of December 2023. The focus was for all the participants and their supervisors to meet and get to know each other. As part of this, every student held a short presentation about their topic, explaining what they will be doing over the next three and a half years. This allowed everyone to gain insights into the other projects and the skillsets of the other students.

Alongside the students’ presentations, the Organising Committee introduced the PhD One Health Programme, and the HVU also introduced themselves. Additionally, the Student Speaker Team was chosen.

This was followed up by a networking activity where everyone, students and supervisors alike, had to pick one of many small items placed on a table, varying from animals to syringes and rubber balls. They then had to use it to explain what One Health is, allowing everyone to exchange their views and broaden their horizons.

This short but impactful event set the foundation for successful cooperation between the students for their future studies and research within the project.