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Defence of Master Thesis Paula Erfurt

Time flies, but great work was accomplished! Congratulations to Paula on succesfully defending her master‘s thesis on 27th of February! All the best for your next career steps Paula!

Heribert Konzett Award to Dagmar Gotthardt-Pötsch

Dagmar was awarded the annual Heribert Konzett Award by APHAR. Congratulations!

The Heribert Konzett Award is awarded annually by the Austrian Pharmacological Society (APHAR) In order to honour outstanding achievements of young scientists who are already conducting independent research in the field of experimental and clinical pharmacology as well as clinical pharmacology and to support their further career.

Kinderuni 2024

Like every year our institute participated in the annual Kinderuni-event at the campus. Many young scientists and veterinarians to be visited the campus to learn and get an insight in our work. The event was a fun and successful activity for everyone participating.

ImmunoTools award for Julia List and Sophie Huscarek

The annual ImmunoTools award goes to Julia and Sophie!


Dagmar Gotthardt-Pötsch new assistant professor

Dagmar Gotthardt-Pötsch became the new assistant professor at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology.


BMBWF award Theresa Harm

Our former student Theresa Harm was awarded the appreciation prize 2023 of the Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF) for her master thesis "Consequences of CDK4/6 inhibition on natural killer cell function".



The Austrian Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ASEV) hosted an international meeting "Small New World 2.0" in Graz from 4.-5.September 2023.

Belinda had a great time at the conference discussing her data and learning from the newest EV research.  The Vetmed EV community was very well represented at this meeting.

ESH 6th International Conference

Karoline, Eszter and Belinda had some amazing days at the 6th International Conference: Acute Myeloid Leukemia "Molecular and Translational": Advances in Biology and Treatment organized by the European school of Haematology (ESH) from 29th-31st of October 2023 in Estoril, Portugal. They had a great time discussing their newest research at poster presentations with the international AML community.

20th meeting of the Society of Natural Immunity in Oslo

Julia and Dagmar had a great time presenting their data and starting new collaborations at the NK2023 - 20th meeting of the Society of Natural Immunity in Oslo.

"PeptAIDes" retreat

The annual retreat of the Young independent research group „PeptAIDes“ took place this year in September in Neusiedl - fruitful discussions and project plans.

FEBS Workshop

FEBS Workshop on the Molecular and Cellular Pathways of Aging in Hematopoiesis

What an incredible experience at the FEBS Workshop on the Molecular and Cellular Pathways of Aging in Hematopoiesis in Greece!

Karoline, Alessia, Lisa and Isabella enjoyed some great conference days beginning of May 2023 in Heraklion Greece. Although the weather was not as expected, we decided to have our own slogan “When you can’t find sunshine, be the sun!”. With that, Alessia and Lisa had the opportunity to present their work as posters. Not even that, Lisa also won the poster prize! Isabella got selected for a short talk to present her data in front of a great audience and experts. Congrats to the CDK6 team – Cheerfully demonstrating knowledge*6! Karoline was a great support, and it was a pleasure to network in person!