Research Interests
- Parasite virulence
- Host-parasite interactions
- Myxozoans
Fields of activity
- Parasitology
- Genomics and Transcriptomics
- Fisheries and Aquaculture
Selected publications
Alama-Bermejo G, Holzer AS (2021) Advances and discoveries in myxozoan genomics. Trends in Parasitology 37(6): 552–68.
Alama-Bermejo G, Bartošová-Sojková P, Atkinson SD, Holzer AS, Bartholomew JL (2022) Proteases as therapeutic targets against the parasitic cnidarian Ceratonova shasta: Characterization of molecules key to parasite virulence in salmonid hosts. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11:804864.
Alama-Bermejo G, Meyer E, Atkinson SD, Holzer AS, Wiśniewska MM, Kolísko M, Bartholomew JL (2020) Transcriptome-wide comparisons and virulence gene polymorphisms of host-associated genotypes of the cnidarian parasite Ceratonova shasta in salmonids. Genome Biology and Evolution 12(8):1258–76.
Alama-Bermejo G, Holzer AS, Bartholomew JL (2019) Myxozoan adhesion and virulence: Ceratonova shasta on the move. Microorganisms 7(10): 397.
Alama-Bermejo G, Šíma R, Raga JA, Holzer AS (2013) Understanding myxozoan infection dynamics in the sea: Seasonality and transmission of Ceratomyxa puntazzi. International Journal for Parasitology 43(9):771–80.
Alama-Bermejo G, Bron JE, Raga JA, Holzer AS (2012) 3D morphology, ultrastructure and development of Ceratomyxa puntazzi stages: first insights into the mechanisms of motility and budding in the Myxozoa. PLoS ONE 7(2):e32679.
Alama-Bermejo G, Raga JA, Holzer AS (2011) Host-parasite relationship of Ceratomyxa puntazzi n. sp. (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) and sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo (Walbaum, 1792) from the Mediterranean with first data on ceratomyxid host specificity in sparids. Veterinary Parasitology 182:181–92.
Brief CV
- BSc in Biology (University of Valencia, Spain, 2000-2006)
- MSc in Aquaculture (University of Valencia, Spain, 2006-2007)
- PhD in Marine Resources (University of Valencia, Spain, 2007-2011)
- Postdoc (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, 2012-2013)
- Postdoc (Oregon State University, USA, 2013-2016)
- Researcher (National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina, 2017-2019)
- Postdoc (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, 2019-2022)
- Postdoc (University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria, 2022-2024)
- Assistant Professor (University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria, since 2024)
Functions & memberships in scientific societies
- European Association of Fish Pathologists (Since 2008)
“From the wheel to the thorn: Evolution and adaptations to parasitism in the Syndermata.” Czech Science Foundation (GACR), 23-05733S (2023-2025), PI: J.S. Hernandez-Orts;
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“Food or foe: Interaction of myxozoans with red blood cells.” Austrian Science Fund (FWF), International projects, GF24-13238L (2024-2027), Austrian PI: A.S. Holzer – Czech PI: P. Bartosova-Sojkova;
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