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We train undergraduate and postgraduate students of veterinary medicine and biological disciplines in theoretical and practical aspects of fish health, disease ecology, aquatic ecology and aquaculture. We further supervise PhD projects and are an official training centre of the European Veterinary College for Aquatic Animal Health.

Courses offered with the participation of our lecturers

801801 Structure and Function of the Skin and its Appending Organs

803103 Clinical Demonstrations

804103 Clinical Demonstrations II

804905 Science in Veterinary Medicine - Foundation IV

805303 Clinical Demonstrations III

805701 Animal Diseases and Epizootic Disease Control

807502 Science in Veterinary Medicine - Practical II

807903 Clinical Demonstrations V

808003 Diseases of the Respiratory Organs, the Cardiovascular System and the Lymphatic System: Diagnosis, Therapy and Complementary Measures II

808102 Diseases of the Skin and its Appending Organs: Diagnosis, Treatment and Complementary Measures

809603 Biosecurity in Primary Production

810407 Clinical Rotation I - Livestock


Case Presentations


Current aspects in fish pathology