Mag. Maciej Oczak, PhD.
+43 1 25077-6919

Core expertise of the PLF-Hub, which makes this research group unique within the Vetmeduni, is engineering and algorithm development. It has been recognized that in the context of digitalization in animal health and livestock farming this expertise should be strengthened. The PLF-Hub focuses on computer vision as the main technology for real-time livestock monitoring as it has several advantages over other technologies. It allows monitoring of a group of animals in a non-invasive way by use of just one sensor. Moreover, it has the potential to monitor multiple key indicators related to welfare, health and production of livestock. Sensor technologies such as RFID or accelerometer are applied to either extend the monitoring capabilities of computer vision or to circumvent the existing limitations of this technology.
Key body point detection
This Video presents key body point detection algorithm developed for purpose of monitoring pigs' behaviour.