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Olga Makarova

Assistant Professor

Ass.-Prof. Olga Makarova, PhD.
T +43 1 25077-3303  

Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance in One Health



Research Interests

  • Antimicrobial resistance
  • One Health
  • Systems Microbiology
  • Ecology & Evolution

Ongoing Projects

“Novel strategies for mitigating the risk posed by antibiotic resistance in Listeria monocytogenes along the food chain and at bedside”  - PhD One Health Doctoral Programme, in collaboration with Prof. Karin Schwaiger. Vetmeduni internal funding, 1.10.2023 – 31.03.2027.

“Development of resistance evolution-proof antibiotics using ionic liquids”, in collaboration with Dr. Patrick Mester. Department 3 internal funding, December 2022 

“Prevalence of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase Producing and Multidrug Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Among Clinical Isolates From Dogs Admitted to a Veterinary Hospital in Vienna“. Funding body: Hochschuljubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien, 01.01.2024 - 30.06.2025

“Pipeline for rapid diagnostics of emergency transboundary infectious diseases” - EU Horizon 2020: Innovation Actions (H2020-IA)

Completed Projects

Off-target effects of glyphosate on bacteriophages: mechanisms and implications for environmental health - Volkswagen Stiftung

Selected Publications

Pöppe J, Bote K, Ramesh A, Murugaiyan J, Kuropka B, Kühl M, Johnston P, Roesler U, Makarova O. 2020. Selection for Resistance to a Glyphosate-Containing Herbicide in Salmonella enterica Does Not Result in a Sustained Activation of the Tolerance Response or Increased Cross-Tolerance and Cross- Resistance to Clinically Important Antibiotics. Applied and Environmental Microbiology Read the paper

Makarova O, Johnston P, Rodriguez-Rojas A, el-Shazely B, Moreno-Morales J, Rolff J. 2018. Genomic signature of experimental adaptation of Staphylococcus aureus to a natural combination of insect antimicrobial peptides. Scientific Reports Read the paper

Rodríguez-Rojas A, Makarova O, Rolff J. 2014. Antimicrobials, stress and mutagenesis. PLoS Pathogens Read the paper

Membership of Scientific Societies

2018 – present Member 
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

2018 – present Member
American Society for Microbiology

Public Engagement

Tagesspiegel Mutige Ideen – Scheitern erlaubt

Brain City Berlin COVID-19 and microbiology literacy

Brain City Berlin COVID-19 und mikrobiologisches Wissen

VETMED – Das Magazin 04/2021 Ergebnisse aus der Resistenzforschung in die Praxis bringen