Springe zum Hauptinhalt Springe zur Klinisches Zentrum für Populationsmedizin bei Fisch, Schwein und Geflügel Navigation
Tze Ho Justin Chan


Dr. Tze Ho Justin Chan
T +43 1 25077-4730  

Research Interests

  • Immunology
  • teleost bony fish
  • agnathan jawless fish
  • cyclostomes, antibody
  • immunoglobulin
  • B cells
  • humoral immunity
  • immunological memory
  • myxozoa

Fields of activity

  • Scientific research and clinical diagnostics

Selected publications

Chan, J. T. H., A. Picard-Sánchez, N. Dedic, J. Majstorović, A. Rebl, A. S. Holzer, and T.Korytář. 2024. Immunological memory in a teleost fish: common carp IgM+ B cells differentiate into memory and plasma cells. Front. Immunol.

Chan, J. T. H., A. Picard-Sánchez, J. Majstorović, A. Rebl, D. Koczan, F. Dyčka, A. S. Holzer and T. Korytář. 2023. Red blood cells in proliferative kidney disease—rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) infected by Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae harbor IgM+ red blood cells. Front. Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1041325

Chan, J. T. H., Y. Liu, S. Khan, J. R. St-Germain, C. Zou, L. Y. T. Leung, J. Yang, M. Shi, E. Grunebaum, P. Campisi, E. J. Propst, T. Holler, A. Bar-Or, J. E. Wither, C. W. Cairo, M. F. Moran, A. F. Palazzo, M. D. Cooper and G. R. A. Ehrhardt. 2018. A tyrosine sulfation-dependent HLA-I modification identifies memory B cells and plasma cells. Sci. Adv. 10.1126/sciadv.aar7653

Brief CV

PhD in Immunology (University of Toronto, 2012-2019), BSc in Microbiology and Immunology (McGill University, 2009-2012)

Teaching assistant in Practical Immunology (IMM435 Practical Immunology, University of Toronto, 2015-2018)

Member of the European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP), member of the Canadian Society for Immunology (CSI)


Cure4Aqua: Curing EU aquaculture by co-creating health and welfare innovations (Horizon Europe, 2022-2027)

AQUAPARA-OMICS: Aquatic parasitism meets biomics - addressing key biological questions using novel datasets and modern analytical tools (Czech Science Foundation, 2019-2023, authored 2 articles funded by this project); Unravelling the role of antibody responses in the interaction of myxozoan parasites with teleost hosts (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic, Inter-Excellence program, subprogram Inter-Action, 2019-2022, authored 3 articles funded by this project)