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Doctoral Program

FWF DK W1225 Population Genetics (C. Schlötterer)

Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics

Stand-alone projects

P33734 Studying adaptation to larval crowding in D. simulans (C. Schlötterer)

P29133 Inference of adaptive gene expression by experimental evolution (C. Schlötterer)

P32935 Identification and characterization of adaptive traits (C. Schlötterer)

P27630 Wolbachia infection dynamics in evolving Drosophila populations (C. Schlötterer)

P22834 Evolution of gene expression in Drosophila (C. Schlötterer)

P22725 NGS-speed mapping (C. Schlötterer)

P19832 An intron based screen for functional innovation (C. Schlötterer)

P19467 Local selective sweeps in Drosophila melanogaster (C. Schlötterer)

P17373 Microsatellite evolution (C. Schlötterer)

P17005 Evolution of male-biased genes in Drosophila (C. Schlötterer)

P16385 Local selective sweeps in Drosophila melanogaster (C. Schlötterer)

P15061 Experimental evolution in E. coli (C. Schlötterer)

P14241 Local selective sweeps in Drosophila melanogaster (C. Schlötterer)

P11628 Microsatellite evolution in Drosophila (C. Schlötterer)

Translational Research

L403 Hitchhiking mapping in cattle (C. Schlötterer)

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network


DFG 197753323 Phenotypic and genetic variation in Biscutella didyma and other Brassicaceae and adaptation to environmental change - a combined ecological-genomic approach (C. Schlötterer)