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The Messerli Research Institute is dedicated to researching the human-animal relationship and its foundations in the fields of animal cognition and behaviour, comparative medicine, and the ethics of the human-animal relationship. The institute is characterised by a broad interdisciplinary approach-encompassing biology, human medicine, veterinary medicine, philosophy, psychology, and law-and a strong international focus. One of the cornerstones of the Messerli Research Institute is the dissemination of its science-based findings.

Head of centre

Herwig Grimm
Photo: M. Bernkopf

Head of centre

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herwig Grimm
T +43 1 25077-2650  

Zsofia Viranyi
Photo: M. Bernkopf

Deputy head of centre

Priv.-Doz. Zsofia Viranyi, PhD.
T +43 1 25077-2686  

The Messerli Research Institute is divided into:

Weißer Goffin-Kakadu mit Karton
Photo: B. Croy

Comparative Cognition

Tracing the thinking and feeling of animals. 

Comparative Cognition

Head: Professor Ludwig Huber

Person im weißen Kittel verwendet eine Pipette und hält sie in ein Röhrchen

Comparative Medicine

One Health: factors influencing allergies in humans and animals.

Comparative Medicine

Head: Professor Erika Jensen-Jarolim

Drei Menschen, die gemeinsam auf einen Bildschirm schauen
Photo: T. Suchanek

Ethics and Human-Animal Studies

From practice to theory and back.

Ethics and Human-Animal Studies

Head: Professor Herwig Grimm

The Ministry of Social Affairs commissioned the Messerli Research Institute to evaluate dogs and dog trainers.

Associated centres and research partners

Interdisciplinary teaching

Our international Master's programme in Human-Animal Relationship

  • Our teaching is led by our research.
  • Research is therefore an integral part of the academic curriculum in the Interdisciplinary Master in Human-Animal Interactions.
  • IMHAI is designed to communicate and develop  guidelines for the responsible handling of animals.
  • Students receive research- and competency-oriented education at high international standards.

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board of the MRI is the external advisory body to assure scientific quality, up-to-date research and focusing of the research at the MRI. The main issues are the strategic orientation of the research, the institute’s international position and networking.

  • Prof. Michel A.J. Georges (GIGA - Université de Liège | Unit of Animal Genomics) Chair of the Scientific advisory board
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Werner (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) | Department of Biology)
  • Prof. Dr. Franck Meijboom (Utrecht University | Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies)
  • Prof. Tyler Stevenson (University of Glasgow | School of Biodiversity, One Health, & Veterinary Medicine)
  • Prof. Zehn (Technical University of Munich | School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan and TUM School of Medicine)

Partner institutions