The Messerli Research Institute is dedicated to researching the human-animal relationship and its foundations in the fields of animal cognition and behaviour, comparative medicine, and the ethics of the human-animal relationship. The institute is characterised by a broad interdisciplinary approach-encompassing biology, human medicine, veterinary medicine, philosophy, psychology, and law-and a strong international focus. One of the cornerstones of the Messerli Research Institute is the dissemination of its science-based findings.
- Master's programme
- Associated centres
- Scientific Advisory Board
- Assistance dogs
- Therapy dogs
- Animal welfare qualified dog trainers
- Website Messerli Foundation

Head of centre
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Herwig Grimm
+43 1 25077-2650

Deputy head of centre
Priv.-Doz. Zsofia Viranyi, PhD.
+43 1 25077-2686
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board of the MRI is the external advisory body to assure scientific quality, up-to-date research and focusing of the research at the MRI. The main issues are the strategic orientation of the research, the institute’s international position and networking.
- Prof. Michel A.J. Georges (GIGA - Université de Liège | Unit of Animal Genomics) Chair of the Scientific advisory board
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Werner (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) | Department of Biology)
- Prof. Dr. Franck Meijboom (Utrecht University | Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies)
- Prof. Tyler Stevenson (University of Glasgow | School of Biodiversity, One Health, & Veterinary Medicine)
- Prof. Zehn (Technical University of Munich | School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan and TUM School of Medicine)

"May the Messerli Research Institute help to better understand animals and thus (provide) animals with a better existence."