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Julia Slezacek, MSc

Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology
Department of Interdisciplinary Life Sciences
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
Savoyenstr. 1a
A-1160 Vienna
A-1160 Wien

T +43 (1) 250 77 7419
F +43 (1) 250 77 94 7419E-Mail to Julia Slezacek




My PhD research is looking at the stopover physiology of avian migration with a focus on the role of the gut hormone ghrelin. Specifically, I am interested in understanding the mechanisms by which ghrelin influences migration and whether genetic variability in the ghrelin pathway could explain differences in stopover-behaviour. In addition, I am very interested in studying the possible involvement of the bird gut microbiome in the physiological control of migration and a possible link between the gut microbiome and the gut endocrine system.
My major study site is the island of Ponza (Italy), a main spring stopover site for large numbers of Western Palearctic migrants, and my main study species are small passerines.

Current Project

FWF-Project: Stopover biology: How does ghrelin mediate migratory decision?
FWF Stand-Alone Grant P31037-B29