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Clinical Service

By appointment, pigs can be transfered to the clinic for swine for in-depth diagnostics or a farm visit can be conducted. Advice is only given afterconsultation of the local veterinarian responsible for the farm.

For further questions and appointments, please contact the herd health representatives or the animal rescue service.

Support for fellow veterinarians

  • fields of herd management
  • individual animal examination
  • depth diagnostic analysis

Our team is eager to advise you.

For further questions and suggestions please call
Tel of Assistant on duty

Veterinary Services

Services for practicing colleagues

  • Support with the examination of livestock
  • the examination of individual animals
  • Further diagnostics

Pigs can be taken to us for further diagnostics or a farm visit can be carried out by appointment. Any advice is always given in consultation with the supervising veterinarian.

Our services cover the area of livestock and hobby pig farming.

For further questions and suggestions, please contact the assistant on duty.

T +43 664 60257 6855



Our laboratory is certified in accordance with EN ISO 9001:2015. The laboratory is involved in research and cooperates with other Institutes of the Vetmeduni. Individual diagnostic methods are established during the course of scientific projects.

Please contact our laboratory staff to request detailed information or answers to specific questions.