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XXXIV Workshop

Our 34th workshop took place on Thursday, February 27, 2025 in our seminar room.


Talk Dr. Georg Krainer (Uni Graz)

In the course of our XXXIV workshop on February 27, 2025, Dr. Georg Krainer (University of Graz) gave his lecture “Unlocking protein function with single-molecule & microfluidic approaches”.


Review Article in Protein Science

In January 2025 our Review Article "Exploring the proton transport mechanism of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier: FA-cycling hypothesis and beyond" was published in Protein Science. PDF

ORF broadcast

On February 3, 2025 at 21:10, ORF 2 will broadcast a report with Dr. Alois Schmalwieser.
“G'sund in Österreich. Light - source of life, remedy and deadly danger”


Repeats: February 4, 02:05 and 11:05

Article in "Frontiers in Chemical Biology"

In October 2024, our article “Molecular interactions at the interface: polyoxometalates of the Anderson-Evans type and lipid membranes” was published in the journal “Frontiers in Chemical Biology”. First author is Alina Pashkovskaya, PhD. Congratulations! PDF

Article in "Pharmacological Research"

In October 2024, our article “The mysteries of LETM1 pleiotropy” was published in the journal “Pharmacological Research”. First author is Sami Mohammed, MSc. Congratulations! PDF

XXXIII Workshop

Our 33rd workshop “Membranes and Membrane Proteins: New Insights and Methods” took place from September 23-25, 2024 in Strobl.
Invited speaker was Dr. Jürgen Kreiter (Stanford University), with the title “Structural insights into the biophysical and pharmacological features of the CLC family of chloride channels and transporters”.
Contact: and

Article in "BBA - Bioenergetics"

In July 2024 our article “Differential regulation of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2 in cancer cells” was published in the journal “BBA - Bioenergetics”. First author is Taraneh Beikbaghban, MSc. Congratulations! PDF

Article in "ACS Chemical Biology"

In July 2024 our article “Dual-Probe Activity-Based Protein Profiling Reveals Site-Specific Differences in Protein Binding of EGFR-Directed Drugs” was published in the journal "ACS Chemical Biology". Second author is Kristina Zuna, PhD. Congratulations! PDF

PhD defense Zuna

In June 2024, our colleague Kristina Zuna, PhD. successfully defended her PhD thesis.

“The Role of the Solute Carrier 25 Proteins in Fatty Acid and 2,4-Dinitrophenol-Mediated Proton Transport”


Master thesis Hofbauer

In May 2024, our employee Deniz Hofbauer, MSc. successfully completed his master's thesis “Optimization of the 2-oxoglutarate/malate carrier production in E.coli”.


Successful diploma thesis Lisa Bigelbach

In August 2024 our article “Ultraviolet radiation protection factors of livestock shade cloths for free-range pigs” was published in the journal “Veterinary Dermatology”, the diploma thesis of Lisa Bigelbach. First author is Dr. Alois Schmalwieser. Congratulations! Article

Article in "Acta Physiologica"

In March 2024 our article "The 2-oxoglutarate/malate carrier extends the family of mitochondrial carriers capable of fatty acid and 2,4-dinitrophenol-activated proton transport" was published in the journal "Acta Physiologica". First author is Kristina Zuna. Congratulations! PDF

XXXII Workshop 22.2.

On Thursday, February 22, 2024, our 32nd workshop took place in the physiology seminar room from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Program

Successful diploma thesis by Sabine Götzinger

In February 2024, our article "Exploratory study on the body distribution of skin color, pigmentation and degree of tan in Central European Caucasian Women" was published in the journal "Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences", the diploma thesis of Sabine Götzinger. First author is Dr. Alois Schmalwieser. Congratulations! Article

Certificate Sustainable Development

Our recent contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

by open access publications.

SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Nachhaltigkeitsoffensive der Vetmeduni

Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs

Talk Edmund R.S. Kunji

On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 15:00 s.t. the guest lecture by Edmund R.S. KUNJI (Cambridge) took place in our seminar room (HA05 P51).

Link to the announcement with abstract

Talk/Seminar Andreas H. Guse

On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 4 pm c.t. an Impromptu Seminar by Andreas H. Guse on "Calcium microdomains and NAADP signaling" took place in our seminar room (HA05 P51).

Announcement with abstract

Article in "Biomolecules"

In December 2023, our article "Uncoupling Protein 3 Catalyzes the Exchange of C4 Metabolites Similar to UCP2" was published in the journal "Biomolecules". First author is Dr. Jürgen Kreiter. Congratulations! PDF

Article in "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"

In September 2023 our article "FA Sliding as the Mechanism for the ANT1-Mediated Fatty Acid Anion Transport in Lipid Bilayers" was published in the journal "International Journal of Molecular Sciences". First author is Dr. Jürgen Kreiter. Congratulations! PDF

Article in "Molecular Metabolism"

In March 2023 our article "Ketogenic diets composed of long-chain and medium-chain fatty acids induce cardiac fibrosis in mice" was published in the Journal "Molecular Metabolism". First author is Dr. Felix Sternberg. Congratulations! Link

Article in "iScience"

In October 2023 our article "Mitochondrial network adaptations of microglia reveal sex-specific stress response after injury and UCP2 knockout" is published in the Journal "iScience". One of the authors is Dr. Felix Sternberg. Congratulations! Link

Article in "Molecular Cancer"

In September 2023 our article "STAT3/LKB1 controls metastatic prostate cancer by regulating mTORC1/CREB pathway" was published in the Journal "Molecular Cancer". One of the authors is Dr. Felix Sternberg. Congratulations! Link

XXXI Workshop

Our XXXI Workshop takes place 28 and 29 September 2023 in Melk.


Article in "Molecular Metabolism"

In March 2023, the article "Ketogenic diets composed of long-chain and medium-chain fatty acids induce cardiac fibrosis in mice" appeared in the journal Molecular Metabolism. First author is Dr. Felix Sternberg. Congratulations! PDF


XXX Workshop

Our 30th workshop was hold onsite on DI February 28, 2023.


Lecture Jezek

In the course of our workshop, Prof. Dr. Petr Jezek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) gave his lecture "Redox signaling, redox metabolic shuttles and changes of mitochondrial cristae upon insulin secretion" on March 3, 2023.


Article in "antioxidants"

In November 2022, the article "Membrane Lipid Reshaping Underlies Oxidative Stress Sensing by the Mitochondrial Proteins UCP1 and ANT1" appeared in the journal "antioxidants". The first author is Dr. Olga Jovanovic. Congratulations! PDF


Article in "EMBO Reports"

In November 2022, the article "TMBIM5 is the Ca2+/H+ antiporter of mammalian mitochondria" appeared in the journal EMBO Reports. One of the first authors is Ronald Mekis, MSc. Congratulations! PDF


Article in "frontiers in Veterinary Science"

In September 2022, the article "Adaptive mechanisms in no flow vs. low flow ischemia in equine jejunum epithelium: Different paths to the same destination" appeared in the journal "frontiers". One of the authors is Dr. Felix Sternberg. Congratulations! PDF


Article in "nutrients"

In July 2022, the article "A Comparison of the Impact of Restrictive Diets on the Gastrointestinal Tract of Mice" appeared in the journal "nutrients". One of the authors is Dr. Felix Sternberg. Congratulations!


New PhD Student EU Project

We welcome our new PhD student Giorgia Roticiani, MSc., to our Unit! She will work for our EU Project PROTON.


Article in Carpe Diem

In June 2022, the article "Can only humans get sunburned?" by Dr. Alois Schmalwieser appeared in the magazine Carpe Diem.


29th Workshop

On 28 February 2022 our XXIX Workshop took place.


New PostDoc

We welcome our new PostDoc Jila Nasirzade, PhD. to our department! She will support us with the SFB project.


Impressions of the EBSA 2021 Conference in Vienna


Our on-site EBSA 2021 Conference in Vienna was a great success!


Article in Biomolecules

In August 2021 our article "Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins (UCP1-UCP3) and Adenine Nucleotide Translocase (ANT1) Enhance the Protonophoric Action of 2,4-Dinitrophenol in Mitochondria and Planar Bilayer Membranes" was published in the journal "biomolecules". First author is Mag. Kristina Zuna. Congratulations!


press release SFB project

The following press release was issued about our project "SFB Immunometabolism":

Article in "Frontiers in Immunology"

In June 2021, the article "T Cell-Intrinsic CDK6 Is Dispensable for Anti-Viral and Anti-Tumor Responses In Vivo" appeared in the journal Frontiers in Immunology. One of the authors is our collaborator Dr. Felix Locker. Congratulations! Link


Article in "molecules"

In April 2021 our article "Involvement of Neuropeptide Galanin Receptors 2 and 3 in Learning, Memory and Anxiety in Aging Mice" was published in the journal "molecules". First author is Dr. Felix Locker. Congratulations!


Article in "Environmental Pollution"

In September 2021, our article "Increased ozone pollution alongside reduced nitrogen dioxide concentrations during Vienna’s first COVID-19 lockdown: Significance for air quality management" will appear in the journal "Environmental Pollution". The author is Dr. Marlon Brancher. Congratulations! Link


Article in "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"

In March 2021, our article "ANT1 Activation and Inhibition Patterns Support the Fatty Acid Cycling Mechanism for Proton Transport" appeared in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. First author is Kürgen Kreiter, MSc. Congratulations! Link to the Article


Schauberger Consulting Meteorologist

Our colleague A.Prof. Dr. Günther Schauberger was approved by the German Meteorological Society (DMG) ( as Consulting Meteorologist in the field of Environmental Meteorology and Forensic Meteorology from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024. (Certificate)



Article in "Atmosphere"

In a collaboration with a Chinese research group from Tianjin, this publication appeared in the journal Atmosphere in March:

Zhang, Y., Yang, W., Schauberger, G., Wang, J., Geng, J., Wang, G., & Meng, J.  Determination of dose–response relationship to derive odor impact criteria for a wastewater treatment plant. Atmosphere, 12 (2021) 3, 371. DOI: 10.3390/atmos12030371

Article in "International Journal of Molecular Sciences"

In January 2021, our article "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Mitochondrial Uncoupling Protein 2" was published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Authors are Prof. Elena E. Pohl and Jürgen Kreiter, MSc.



27th Workshop

Our 27th workshop will be held online on FRI February 19, 2021. Link

Instead of an invited talk, we will attend the Biophysical Society Virtual Annual Meeting.


Those who want to attend should contact us ( or beforehand, and will receive an invitation (guest link).

New Working Group

In September 2020 our department has added a new working group. The 'Mitochondrial Biology Group' is headed by Dr. Karin Nowikovsky, and is actively supported by five new colleagues. Link to the working group 'Mitochondrial Biology Group'




Article in "Research in Veterinary Science"

In March 2021, our article "Exogenous creatinine clearence indexed to body surface area allows estimation of GFR and across species comparison" was published in the magazine "Research in Veterinary Science". The last author is Prof. Günther Schauberger.


Article in "Agriculture"

In February 2021, our article "Economic Risk Assessment by Weather-Related Heat Stress Indices for Confined Livestock Buildings: A Case Study for Fattening Pigs in Central Europe" was published in the magazine "Agriculture". The first author is Prof. Günther Schauberger.


Aticle in "Atmosphere"

In February 2021, our article "Summary and Overview of the Odour Regulations Worldwide" was published in the magazine "Atmosphere". One of the authors is Prof. Günther Schauberger.


PDF Suppl

Report 'UV radiation and Corona' in ORF

On January 2, 2021, a report with our colleague Dr. Alois Schmalwieser about his research results regarding UV radiation and Covid was broadcast on ORF in the magazine 'Bewusst gesund'.
