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Neues e-Book "Equine Reproduction“

© ProQuest Ebook Central
Aus der Verlagsbeschreibung:
Now in a much-anticipated two-volume new edition, this gold-standard reference stands as the most comprehensive and authoritative text on equine reproduction. Serving theriogenologists, practitioners and breeders worldwide as a one-stop resource for the reproductive assessment and management of equine patients, Equine Reproduction, Second Edition provides detailed information on examination techniques, breeding procedures, pregnancy diagnosis and management, reproductive tract diseases and surgery, and foaling.
For the Second Edition, the stallion, mare and foal sections have been thoroughly updated and revised to include the latest information on every subject. New topics include discussion of nutritional and behavioral factors in the broodmare and stallion, parentage testing, fetal sexing and the health and management of older foals, weanlings and yearlings. Additionally, this outstanding Second Edition features a new section on assisted reproductive techniques, including detailed information on artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization, embryo transfer and technology.
Dieses Werk aus 2011 steht auf der Plattform ProQuest Ebook Central zum Online lesen zur Verfügung. Der Download einzelner Kapitel ist dauerhaft möglich.
Auf der Wiley-Seite http://booksupport.wiley.com können sie nach Eingabe der ISBN 9780813819716 713 Farbillustrationen der Begleit-CD-ROM downloaden.
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