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Neues e-Book „Equine neonatal medicine”

© Wiley Blackwell

Aus der Verlagsmeldung:

Equine Neonatal Medicine offers an in-depth comprehensive reference for the clinical management of pregnant and periparturient mares and neonatal foals. Edited by leading experts in the field and written by experienced equine specialists, this textbook covers all aspects of providing veterinary care to mares and neonatal foals. Encompassing physiology, pathophysiology, theory, and practice, this textbook offers an authoritative, well-illustrated reference to equine perinatology.

Topics covered include fetal monitoring, parturition, and peri-parturient disorders in the mare as well as diagnostic and therapeutic options for ill neonatal foals.

Dieses e-Book ist auf der Verlagsplattform „WILEY Online Libraryund über unseren Bibliothekskatalog vetmed:seeker zugänglich.