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Neues e-Book “Comparative Bioacoustics: An Overview”

Aus der Verlagsinformation:

Comparative bioacoustics is extraordinarily broad in scope. It includes the study of sound propagation, dispersion, attenuation, absorption, reverberation, and signal degradation as well as sound detection, recognition, and classification in both marine and terrestrial organisms (including humans). This research is informed by an understanding of the mechanisms underlying sound generation and aural reception, as well as the anatomy and physiology of the organs dedicated to these functions.

Dieser Titel aus 2016 steht auf der Plattform ProQuest Ebook Central zum Online lesen zur Verfügung. Der Download einzelner Kapitel ist dauerhaft möglich.

Über unsere Suchoberfläche vetmed:seeker ist dieses E-Book auch auffindbar.